Monday, July 5, 2010

Twilight in Hamadan

Sitting in the cafe net/netcafe just off of the Bu Ali (Ibn Sina) square that holds the mausoleum and museum of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) the great Persian Muslim philosopher, scientist, doctor and homme universal, I noticed a girl on the computer next to me browsing websites about Twilight, that vampire movie. She was also in a video chat with two boys who looked American, and one of them looked remarkable similiar to that actor in Twilight. Here she was, this young Iranian girl, wearing a black manteau (tunic), and a black maghna'eh (type of headscarf worn in Iran) on video chat to some random guy in the US.

After a while she asked me a question in Persian, where she detected from my accent that I was not Iranian, she started asking me the usual questions. Here is my version of our conversation:

Her: Ah, America, I love it so much, I really want to visit Seattle
Me: Why Seattle, it's a nice city but not very famous.
Her: But it is, Twilight is there, it is so beautiful, I have to go there.
Me: What about other places in the US, like New York, Chicago, etc., have you heard of these places?
Her: No, just Seattle...

And our conversation went on like that for a while, she was obsessed with Seattle because Twilight is filmed there and is in love with the main actor (never having seen the movie, I don't know his name). When I was younger, there was also a different kind of vampire trend stemming from "Interview With the Vampire," with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. Some things never change!

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